Get Rich Slow : Your Guide To Producing Income & Building Wealth With Rental Real Estate

Get Rich Slow : Your Guide To Producing Income & Building Wealth With Rental Real Estate

If you are looking for a book that will turn you into an instant millionaire, this book isn't for you! As the title to the book–Get Rich Slow– implies, I consider wealth-building through rental real estate to be a slow but reliable process. While some real estate investments do provide quick profits, be prepared to have patience when it comes to building wealth through real estate investments. And don't be surprised if there are periods when values even go down. Read more… Abstract: If you are looking for a book that will turn you into an instant millionaire, this book isn't for you! As the title to the book–Get Rich Slow– implies, I consider wealth-building through rental real estate to be a slow but reliable process. While some real estate investments do provide quick profits, be prepared to have patience when it comes to building wealth through real estate investments. And don't be surprised if there are periods when values even go down


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