T.s. Eliot, New Edition

T.s. Eliot, New Edition

A member of the romantic tradition, T.S. Eliot is considered a central figure in Western literary culture. Best known for his works 'The Waste Land', 'Four Quartets', and 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock', T.S. Eliot is one of the most popular 20th-century poets studied in high school and college English classes today. Eliot's masterful use of classical allusions throughout his works demonstrates the great importance he placed on tradition and its place within literary history. This new edition of critical essays features an introduction by master scholar Harold Bloom, a chronology of Eliot's life, a bibliography of his works, and an index fit for researchers.


Editor's Note

Introduction (Harold Bloom)

Eliot and the Voices of History (Hugh Kenner)

Doctrine and Wisdom in 'Four Quartets' (Cleo McNelly Kearns)

'Little Gidding' 3: Indifference and the Process of Reading 'Four Quartets' (John Paul Riquelme)

T. S. Eliot: The American Strain (A.D. Moody)

T. S. Eliot's Gerontion and Journey of the Magi (Anthony L. Johnson)

Prufrock's Guilty Pleasures (Lee Oser)

Beginning (Denis Donoghue)

In Pursuit of Wilde Possum: Reflections on Eliot, Modernism, and the Nineties (Ronald Bush)

Eliot's Shadows: Autography and Style in The Hollow Men (Joseph Jonghyun Jeon)

The Aristotelian Mr. Eliot: Structure and Strategy in 'The Waste Land' (John H. Timmerman)







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