Surface Energy Ed. By Mahmood Aliofkhazraei

This book collects new developments in the science of surface energy. The words hydro, phobic and philic are derived from Greek and they mean water, fear and adoration respectively. These words are being used to define the interaction of water and other materials. As an example, these words are being used in classification of liquids and solids based on their solubility in water, as well as classification of solid surfaces regarding to their wettability. A lot of surfaces in the nature have Superhydrophobic and self-cleaning properties. For example the wings of a butterfly, leaves of some plants, including cabbage and Indian Cress, have the mentioned properties. The best example is the LOTUS leaf. Preface 1 Re-derivation of Young’s Equation, Wenzel Equation, and Cassie-Baxter Equation Based on Energy Minimization 2 Capillary Bridges — A Tool for Three-Phase Contact Investigation 3 Solid-Liquid-Solid Interfaces 4 Adhesive Properties of Metals and Metal Alloys 5 Plasma Processing for Tailoring the Surface Properties of Polymers 6 DFT Investigations on the CVD Growth of Graphene 7 Modern Methods (Without Determining the Contact Angle and Surface Tension) for Estimating the Surface Properties of Materials (Using Video and Computer Technology) 8 A General-Purpose Multiphase/Multispecies Model to Predict the Spread, Percutaneous Hazard, and Contact Dynamics for Nonporous and Porous Substrates and Membranes 9 Micro/Nano Hierarchical Super-Lyophobic Surfaces Against Gallium-Based Liquid Metal Alloy 10 Effect of Certain Ethylene Oxide Heterogeneous Heterobifunctional Acyclic Oligomers (HEHAO) on Wetting 11 Recent Advances in the Methods for Designing Superhydrophobic Surfaces 12 Lipid Self-Spreading on Solid Substrates
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