Nanofluid Heat And Mass Transfer In Engineering Problems Ed. By Mohsen Sheikholeslami Kandelousi

Nanofluid Heat And Mass Transfer In Engineering Problems Ed. By Mohsen Sheikholeslami Kandelousi

In the present book, nanofluid heat and mass transfer in engineering problems are investigated.

The use of additives in the base fluid like water or ethylene glycol is one of the techniques applied to augment heat transfer. Newly, innovative nanometer-sized particles have been dispersed in the base fluid in heat transfer fluids. The fluids containing the solid nanometer-sized particle dispersion are called "nanofluids." At first, nanofluid heat and mass transfer over a stretching sheet are provided with various boundary conditions. Problems faced for simulating nanofluids are reported. Also, thermophysical properties of various nanofluids are presented. Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in the presence of magnetic field are investigated. Furthermore, applications for electrical and biomedical engineering are provided. Besides, applications of nanofluid in internal combustion engine are provided.


1 Numerical Analysis of Three‐Dimensional MHD Nanofluid Flow over a Stretching Sheet with Convective Boundary Conditions through a Porous Medium

2 Cattanneo-Christov Heat Flux Model Study for Water-Based CNT Suspended Nanofluid Past a Stretching Surface

3 Thermophysical Properties of Metal Oxides Nanofluids

4 Measuring Nanofluid Thermal Diffusivity and Thermal Effusivity: The Reliability of the Photopyroelectric Technique

5 Problems Faced While Simulating Nanofluids

6 Enhancing Heat Transfer in Internal Combustion Engine by Applying Nanofluids

7 Heat Transfer of Ferrofluids

8 Nanofluid with Colloidal Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and Its Applications in Electrical Engineering

9 Magnetic Nanofluids: Mechanism of Heat Generation and Transport and Their Biomedical Application

10 Energy Transfer in Mixed Convection MHD Flow of Nanofluid Containing Different Shapes of Nanoparticles in a Channel Filled with Saturated Porous Medium


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