
Showing posts from July, 2017

Kidney Development And Disease

Download Kidney Development And Disease Kidney Development and Disease brings together established and young investigators who are leading authorities in nephrology to describe recent advances in three primary areas of research. The first section describes the use of animal models as powerful tools for the discovery of numerous molecular mechanisms regulating kidney development. The second section focuses on nephric cell renewal and differentiation, which lead to diverse cell fates within the developing kidney, and discusses diseases resulting from the aberrant regulation of the balance between cell fate decisions. The final section concentrates on morphogenesis of the developing kidney and its maintenance after formation as well as the diseases resulting from failures in these processes. Kidney form and function have been extensively studied for centuries, leading to discoveries related to their development and disease. Recent scientific advances in mo...

Chiral Four-dimensional Heterotic String Vacua From Covariant Lattices

Download Chiral Four-dimensional Heterotic String Vacua From Covariant Lattices This book is placed at the interface between string theory and elementary particle physics and shows novel results in the search for a heterotic string vacuum that reproduces those matter particles and interactions observed in our universe. The author provides a systematic classification of potentially realistic heterotic covariant lattice vacua, which possess a lower number of moduli fields when compared to conventional compactification methods, by means of number theoretical methods. These methods, while well known to the mathematics community, have not yet found many applications to physics. They are introduced to the degree necessary to understand the computations carried out throughout this work. Furthermore, explicit covariant lattice models with particularly interesting properties are analyzed in detail. Finally, new light is shed on the relation between covariant lat...

Medical And Biomedical Applications Of Shock Waves

Download Medical And Biomedical Applications Of Shock Waves This book provides current, comprehensive, and clear explanations of the physics behind medical and biomedical applications of shock waves. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is one of the greatest medical advances of our time, and its techniques and clinical devices are continuously evolving. Further research continues to improve the understanding of calculi fragmentation and tissue-damaging mechanisms. Shock waves are also used in orthopedics and traumatology. Possible applications in oncology, cardiology, dentistry, gene therapy, cell transfection, transformation of fungi and bacteria, as well as the inactivation of microorganisms are promising approaches for clinical treatment, industrial applications and research. Medical and Biomedical Applications of Shock Waves is useful as a guide for students, technicians and researchers working in universities and laboratories. Chemists, biologist...

Random Measures, Theory And Applications

Download Random Measures, Theory And Applications Offering the first comprehensive treatment of the theory of random measures, this book has a very broad scope, ranging from basic properties of Poisson and related processes to the modern theories of convergence, stationarity, Palm measures, conditioning, and compensation. The three large final chapters focus on applications within the areas of stochastic geometry, excursion theory, and branching processes. Although this theory plays a fundamental role in most areas of modern probability, much of it, including the most basic material, has previously been available only in scores of journal articles. The book is primarily directed towards researchers and advanced graduate students in stochastic processes and related areas.

Reviews In Computational Chemistry: Volume 30

Download Reviews In Computational Chemistry: Volume 30 The Reviews in Computational Chemistry series brings together leading authorities in the field to teach the newcomer and update the expert on topics centered on molecular modeling. Provides background and theory, strategies for using the methods correctly, pitfalls to avoid, applications, and references Contains updated and comprehensive compendiums of molecular modeling software that list hundreds of programs, services, suppliers and other information that every chemist will find useful Includes detailed indices on each volume help the reader to quickly discover particular topics Uses a tutorial manner and non–mathematical style, allowing students and researchers to access computational methods outside their immediate area of expertise

Where The Water Goes: Life And Death Along The Colorado River

Download Where The Water Goes: Life And Death Along The Colorado River A brilliant, eye-opening account of where our water comes from and where it all goes The Colorado River is a crucial resource for a surprisingly large part of the United States, and every gallon that flows down it is owned or claimed by someone. David Owen traces all that water from the Colorado's headwaters to its parched terminus, once a verdant wetland but now a million-acre desert. He takes readers on an adventure downriver, along a labyrinth of waterways, reservoirs, power plants, farms, fracking sites, ghost towns, and RV parks, to the spot near the U.S.–Mexico border where the river runs dry. Water problems in the western United States can seem tantalizingly easy to solve: just turn off the fountains at the Bellagio, stop selling hay to China, ban golf, cut down the almond trees, and kill all the lawyers. But a closer look reveals a vast man-made ecosystem that is far more...

The Palgrave Handbook Of Critical Social Psychology

Download The Palgrave Handbook Of Critical Social Psychology This handbook is the first to bring together the latest theory and research on critical approaches to social psychological challenges. Edited by a leading authority in the field, this volume further establishes critical social psychology as a discipline of study, distinct from mainstream social psychology. The handbook explains how critical approaches to social processes and phenomena are essential to fully understanding them, and covers the main research topics in basic and applied social psychology, including social cognition, identity and social relations, alongside overviews of the main theories and methodologies that underpin critical approaches. This volume features a range of leading authors working on key social psychological issues, and highlights a commitment to a social psychology which shuns psychologisation, reductionism and neutrality. It provides invaluable insight into many of ...

Darwin's First Theory: Exploring Darwin's Quest For A Theory Of Earth

Download Darwin's First Theory: Exploring Darwin's Quest For A Theory Of Earth An acclaimed geologist leads the reader on an adventure through the landscape that absorbed and inspired Charles Darwin. Everybody knows—or thinks they know—Charles Darwin, the father of evolution and the man who altered the way we view our place in the world. But what most people do not know is that Darwin was on board the HMS Beagle as a geologist—on a mission to examine the land, not flora and fauna. Retracing Darwin's footsteps in South America and beyond, geologist Rob Wesson treks across the Andes, cruises waters charted by the Beagle, hunts for fossils in Uruguay and Argentina, and explores sites of long vanished glaciers in Scotland and Wales. As he follows Darwin's path—literally and intellectually—Wesson experiences the land as Darwin did, engages with his observations, and tackles the same questions Darwin had about our ever-changing Earth. Upon his...

Active Particles, Volume 1: Advances In Theory, Models, And Applications

Download Active Particles, Volume 1: Advances In Theory, Models, And Applications This volume collects ten surveys on the modeling, simulation, and applications of active particles using methods ranging from mathematical kinetic theory to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. The contributing authors are leading experts working in this challenging field, and each of their chapters provides a review of the most recent results in their areas and looks ahead to future research directions. The approaches to studying active matter are presented here from many different perspectives, such as individual-based models, evolutionary games, Brownian motion, and continuum theories, as well as various combinations of these. Applications covered include biological network formation and network theory; opinion formation and social systems; control theory of sparse systems; theory and applications of mean field games; population learning; dynamics of flocking systems; ...

Asbestos And Mesothelioma

Download Asbestos And Mesothelioma This volume is comprised of a multidisciplinary assessment of the interplay between asbestos and cancer as well as new research about the biology and treatment of malignant mesothelioma. Chapters on the various types of asbestos and other mineral fibers, epidemiology, history and future of asbestos-related diseases are included. Other reviews present new information about the role of asbestos-related inflammation and genetic factors, including the role of inherited mutations of BAP1, in mesothelioma causation, as well as recent research about gene signatures, cell signaling, and epigenetic mechanisms in asbestos-related diseases. Other chapters provide updates of novel disease biomarkers and prevention, mechanistic lesson from genetically engineered mouse and 3-D models of mesothelioma tumorigenesis and therapeutic resistance. Also included are up-to-date reviews of surgical, molecularly targeted chemotherapeutic, and ...

Teacher Education For The Changing Demographics Of Schooling: Issues For Research And Practice

Download Teacher Education For The Changing Demographics Of Schooling: Issues For Research And Practice The book takes as its premise the argument that diverse learner groups are a fact of demographic change that should be considered foundational in the preparation of teachers rather than be problematized as a challenge. It promotes the idea of teacher education for inclusive education based on a consideration of what it means to educate all children together. Divided into four parts, the book considers key issues for teacher education, teacher agency, teacher education for diversity, and a research agenda for the future. In today’s world, the demographic profile of students in schools is more complex than ever before, and the increasing cultural, linguistic and developmental diversity of today’s classrooms, along with the pressure to achieve high academic standards for everybody has significant implications for how classroom teachers should be prepared...

Coastal Storms: Processes And Impacts

Download Coastal Storms: Processes And Impacts A comprehensive introduction to coastal storms and their associated impacts Coastal Storms offers students and professionals in the field a comprehensive overview and groundbreaking text that is specifically devoted to the analysis of coastal storms. Based on the most recent knowledge and contributions from leading researchers, the text examines coastal storms processes and characteristics, the main hazards (such as overwash, inundation and flooding, erosion, structures overtopping), and how to monitor and model storms. The authors include information on the most advanced innovations in forecasting, prediction, and early warning, which serves as a foundation for accurate risk evaluation and developing adequate coastal indicators and management options. In addition, structural overtopping and damage are explained, taking into account the involved hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes. The monitoring metho...

Cellulose Nanocrystals: Properties, Production And Applications, 2nd Edition

Download Cellulose Nanocrystals: Properties, Production And Applications, 2nd Edition Research into cellulose nanocrystals is currently in an exponential growth phase, with research into potential applications now strengthened by recent advances in nanomanufacturing. The possibility of routine commercial production of these advanced materials is now becoming a reality. Cellulose Nanocrystals: Properties, Production and Applications provides an in–depth overview of the materials science, chemistry and physics of cellulose nanocrystals, and the technical development of advanced materials based on cellulose nanocrystals for industrial and medical applications. Topics covered include: A comprehensive treatment of the structure, morphology and synthesis of cellulose nanocrystals. The science and engineering of producing cellulose nanocrystals and the challenges involved in nanomanufacturing on a large industrial scale. Surface/interface modifications of cell...

On What Matters: Volume Three

Download On What Matters: Volume Three Derek Parfit presents the third volume of On What Matters, his landmark work of moral philosophy. Parfit develops further his influential treatment of reasons, normativity, the meaning of moral discourse, and the status of morality. He engages with his critics, and shows the way to resolution of their differences. This volume is partly about what it is for things to matter, in the sense that we all have reasons to care about these things. Much of the book discusses three of the main kinds of meta-ethical theory: Normative Naturalism, Quasi-Realist Expressivism, and Non-Metaphysical Non-Naturalism, which Derek Parfit now calls Non-Realist Cognitivism. This third theory claims that, if we use the word 'reality' in an ontologically weighty sense, irreducibly normative truths have no mysterious or incredible ontological implications. If instead we use 'reality' in a wide sense, according to which all tr...

Existentialism And Education: An Introduction To Otto Friedrich Bollnow

Download Existentialism And Education: An Introduction To Otto Friedrich Bollnow This volume examines Otto Friedrich Bollnow’s philosophical approach to education, which brought Heidegger’s existentialism together with other theories of what it is to be “human.” This introduction to Bollnow's work begins with a summary of the theoretical influences that Bollnow synthesized, and goes on to outline his highly original account of experiential “educational reality”–namely, as a reality alternately “harmonious” or “broken,” but fundamentally “guided.” This book will be of value to scholars and students of education and philosophy, especially those interested in bringing larger existential questions into connection with everyday educational engagement.

Atomic Layer Deposition In Energy Conversion Applications

Download Atomic Layer Deposition In Energy Conversion Applications Combining the two topics for the first time, this book begins with an introduction to the recent challenges in energy conversion devices from a materials preparation perspective and how they can be overcome by using atomic layer deposition (ALD). By bridging these subjects it helps ALD specialists to understand the requirements within the energy conversion field, and researchers in energy conversion to become acquainted with the opportunities offered by ALD. With its main focus on applications of ALD for photovoltaics, electrochemical energy storage, and photo– and electrochemical devices, this is important reading for materials scientists, surface chemists, electrochemists, electrotechnicians, physicists, and those working in the semiconductor industry.

Nanotribology And Nanomechanics: An Introduction, 4th Edition

Download Nanotribology And Nanomechanics: An Introduction, 4th Edition This textbook and comprehensive reference source and serves as a timely, practical introduction to the principles of nanotribology and nanomechanics. This 4th edition has been completely revised and updated, concentrating on the key measurement techniques, their applications, and theoretical modeling of interfaces. It provides condensed knowledge of the field from the mechanics and materials science perspectives to graduate students, research workers, and practicing engineers.

A Beginner's Guide To Blood Cells, 3rd Edition

Download A Beginner's Guide To Blood Cells, 3rd Edition The third edition of this popular pocket book, A Beginner s Guide to Blood Cells written by Professor Barbara Bain, provides a concise introduction to normal and abnormal blood cells and blood counts for trainees in haematology. Includes a brand new chapter on emergency morphology, designed to make the clinical significance and urgency of certain laboratory findings clear for biomedical scientists and to assist trainee haematologists in the recognition of major clinically important abnormalities Contains exceptional full colour images throughout Introduces important basic concepts of hematology, setting haematological findings in a clinical context Provides a fully updated self–assessment section An essential resource for trainee haematologists, biomedical scientists, and biomedical science and medical students

Mechanism Of Plant Hormone Signaling Under Stress: A Functional Genomic Frontier, 2 Volume Set

Download Mechanism Of Plant Hormone Signaling Under Stress: A Functional Genomic Frontier, 2 Volume Set Plant hormone signaling plays an important role in many physiological and developmental processes including stress response. With the advent of new post–genomic molecular techniques, the potential for increasing our understanding of the impact of hormone signaling on gene expression and adaptive processes has never been higher. Unlocking the molecular underpinnings of these processes shows great promise for the development of new plant biotechnologies and improved crop varieties. The topics included in this book emphasize on genomics and functional genomics aspects, to understand the global and whole genome level changes upon particular stress conditions. With the functional genomics tools, the mechanism of phytohormone signaling and their target genes can be defined in a more systematic manner. The integrated analysis of phytohormone signaling under ...

Meshfree Methods For Partial Differential Equations Viii

Download Meshfree Methods For Partial Differential Equations Viii There have been substantial developments in meshfree methods, particle methods, and generalized finite element methods since the mid 1990s. The growing interest in these methods is in part due to the fact that they offer extremely flexible numerical tools and can be interpreted in a number of ways. For instance, meshfree methods can be viewed as a natural extension of classical finite element and finite difference methods to scattered node configurations with no fixed connectivity. Furthermore, meshfree methods have a number of advantageous features that are especially attractive when dealing with multiscale phenomena: A-priori knowledge about the solution’s particular local behavior can easily be introduced into the meshfree approximation space, and coarse scale approximations can be seamlessly refined by adding fine scale information. However, the implementation of meshfree methods and ...

Leukaemia Diagnosis, 5th Edition

Download Leukaemia Diagnosis, 5th Edition From the bestselling author, Barbara J. Bain, the new edition of this practical reference on the principles of leukaemia diagnosis and classification has been fully updated, and incorporates the recently revised WHO classification. Leukaemias are a very heterogeneous group of diseases, which differ from each other in aetiology, pathogenesis, prognosis and responsiveness to treatment. Accurate diagnosis and classification are vital for the identification of specific biological entities and underpin scientific advances in this field. The detailed characterization of haematological neoplasms is also essential for the optimal management of individual patients. In this user–friendly guide, Professor Bain illustrates and explains how these many laboratory techniques are used for the diagnosis and classification of leukaemia and related disorders. Leukaemia Diagnosis, Fifth Edition will be highly valuable to trainee ha...

Soil Pollution - An Emerging Threat To Agriculture

Download Soil Pollution - An Emerging Threat To Agriculture The book provides reader with a comprehensive up-to-date overview of various aspects of soil pollutants manifestation of toxicity. The book highlights their interactions with soil constituents, their toxicity to agro-ecosystem & human health, methodologies of toxicity assessment along with remediation technologies for the polluted land by citing case studies. It gives special emphasis on scenario of soil pollution threats in developing countries and ways to counteract these in low cost ways which have so far been ignored. It also explicitly highlights the need for soil protection policy and identifies its key considerations after analyzing basic functions of soil and the types of threats perceived. This book will be a useful resource for graduate students and researchers in the field of environmental and agricultural sciences, as well as for personnel involved in environmental impact assess...

Sleep Apnea: Recent Updates

Download Sleep Apnea: Recent Updates This volume is dedicated to sleep medicine. Chapters from the eminent clinicians and authors around the globe produce a state-of-the-art book with the target audience from internal medicine, pulmonary, sleep medicine, neurology, ENT, and psychiatry discipline Sleep medicine is developing rapidly with more than 100 sleep disorders discovered till now. Despite that, sleep specialty is in neonatal stage especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. Sleep medicine is still evolving with ongoing worldwide clinical research, training programs, and changes in the insurance policy disseminating more awareness in physicians and patients. Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders, found in around 5-7 % of the general population with high prevalence in the obese, elderly individuals but largely unrecognized and hence undiagnosed with untreated and life-threatening consequences. In the last decade, new compl...

The Cambridge Companion To Philosophical Methodology

Download The Cambridge Companion To Philosophical Methodology The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology offers clear and comprehensive coverage of the main methodological debates and approaches within philosophy. The chapters in this volume approach the question of how to do philosophy from a wide range of perspectives, including conceptual analysis, critical theory, deconstruction, experimental philosophy, hermeneutics, Kantianism, methodological naturalism, phenomenology, and pragmatism. They explore general conceptions of philosophy, centred on the question of what the point of philosophising might be; the method of conceptual analysis and its recent naturalistic critics and competitors; perspectives from continental philosophy; and also a variety of methodological views that belong neither to the mainstream of analytic philosophy, nor to continental philosophy as commonly conceived. Together they will enable readers to grasp an unusually ...

Urban Sustainability Through Smart Growth: Intercurrence, Planning, And Geographies Of Regional Development

Download Urban Sustainability Through Smart Growth: Intercurrence, Planning, And Geographies Of Regional Development This book investigates the new urban geographies of “smart” metropolitan regionalism across the Greater Seattle area and examines the relationship between smart growth planning strategies and spaces of work, home, and mobility. The book specifically explores Seattle within the wider space-economy and multi-scaled policy regime of the Puget Sound region as a whole, ‘jumping up’ from questions of city politics to concerns with what the book interprets as the “intercurrence” of city-regional “ordering." These theoretical terms capture the state-progressive effort to promote smarter forms of regional development but also the societal/institutional tensions and outright contradictions that such urban development invariably entails, particularly around problems of social equity. Key organizing themes in the text include: the historical pat...

Biological Oceanography Of The Baltic Sea

Download Biological Oceanography Of The Baltic Sea This is the first comprehensive science-based textbook on the biology and ecology of the Baltic Sea, one of the world’s largest brackish water bodies. The aim of this book is to provide students and other readers with knowledge about the conditions for life in brackish water, the functioning of the Baltic Sea ecosystem and its environmental problems and management. It highlights biological variation along the unique environmental gradients of the brackish Baltic Sea Area (the Baltic Sea, Belt Sea and Kattegat), especially those in salinity and climate. The first part of the book presents the challenges for life processes and ecosystem dynamics that result from the Baltic Sea’s highly variable recent geological history and geographical isolation. The second part explains interactions between organisms and their environment, including biogeochemical cycles, patterns of biodiversity, genetic diversity and ...

Theoretical Study On Correlation Effects In Topological Matter

Download Theoretical Study On Correlation Effects In Topological Matter This thesis elucidates electron correlation effects in topological matter whose electronic states hold nontrivial topological properties robust against small perturbations. In addition to a comprehensive introduction to topological matter, this thesis provides a new perspective on correlated topological matter. The book comprises three subjects, in which electron correlations in different forms are considered. The first focuses on Coulomb interactions for massless Dirac fermions. Using a perturbative approach, the author reveals emergent Lorentz invariance in a low-energy limit and discusses how to probe the Lorentz invariance experimentally. The second subject aims to show a principle for synthesizing topological insulators with common, light elements. The interplay between the spin–orbit interaction and electron correlation is considered, and Hund's rule and electron filling a...

Design And Analysis Of Experiments ( 2nd Edition)

Download Design And Analysis Of Experiments ( 2nd Edition) This book offers a step-by-step guide to the experimental planning process and the ensuing analysis of normally distributed data, emphasizing the practical considerations governing the design of an experiment. Data sets are taken from real experiments and sample SAS programs are included with each chapter. Experimental design is an essential part of investigation and discovery in science; this book will serve as a modern and comprehensive reference to the subject.

Fundamentals Of Transference-focused Psychotherapy: Applications In Psychiatric And Medical Settings

Download Fundamentals Of Transference-focused Psychotherapy: Applications In Psychiatric And Medical Settings This book offers clear, practical, and simple recommendations for treating patients with personality disorders. The goals of the book are twofold: 1) to describe the essential elements of Transference-Focused Psychotherapy (TFP), an evidence-based treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder, and 2) to describe how core principles and techniques of TFP can be used in a variety of settings to improve clinical management of patients with a broad spectrum of personality pathology, even when patients are not engaged in individual psychotherapy. A short introduction outlines in concise language the core elements of TFP and its origins in object relations theory. The book then takes the clinician through the process of: 1) comprehensive diagnosis, 2) negotiation of the treatment frame, and 3) the overarching strategies, techniques, and tactics used i...

Current Concepts And Management Of Eye Injuries

Download Current Concepts And Management Of Eye Injuries This reader-friendly and well-illustrated book is a concise clinical reference on the management of severe ocular injuries. It will serve as an ideal guide for clinicians dealing with trauma and ophthalmology, assisting in the implementation of individualized treatment strategies and the performance of up-to-date surgical interventions. Easy-to-follow instructions are provided on the management of each injured tissue of the globe, with emphasis on key pearls and pitfalls that must be borne in mind in order to achieve an optimal anatomical and functional outcome. Both common and rare causes of injury are covered, including mass casualty incidents, and current concepts regarding the evaluation and classification of injury mechanisms are fully taken into consideration. In addition, each chapter pays special attention to hot topics and medicolegal issues in patient management.​

Modality In Argumentation

Download Modality In Argumentation This book addresses two related questions that have first arisen in Toulmin’s seminal book on the uses of argument. The first question is the one of the relationship between the semantic analysis of modality and the structure of arguments. The second question is the one of the distinctive place, or role, of modality in the fundamental structure of arguments. These two questions concern how modality, as a semantic category, relates to the fundamental structure of arguments. The book addresses modality and argumentation also according to another perspective by looking at how different linguistic modal expressions may be taken as argumentative indicators. It explores the role of modal expressions as argumentative indicators by using the Italian modal system as a case study. At the same time, it uses predictions/forecasts in the business-financial daily press to investigate the relation between modality and the context of ...

Bitterness: Perception, Chemistry And Food Processing

Download Bitterness: Perception, Chemistry And Food Processing The increasing demand for healthy foods has resulted in the food industry developing functional foods with health–promoting and/or disease preventing properties. However, many of these products bring new challenges. While drugs are taken for their efficacy, functional foods need to have tastes that are acceptable to consumers. Bitterness associated with the functional foods is one of the major challenges encountered by food industry today and will remain so in years to come. This important book offers a thorough understanding of bitterness, the food ingredients that cause it and its accurate measurement. The authors provide a thorough review of bitterness that includes an understanding of the genetics of bitterness perception and the molecular basis for individual differences in bitterness perception. This is followed by a detailed review of the chemical structure of bitter compounds in food...

Bile Acids In Gastroenterology: Basic And Clinical

Download Bile Acids In Gastroenterology: Basic And Clinical This book examines the biological aspects of bile acid analysis and their clinical applications, providing readers with an overview of cutting-edge discussions on Bile Acid research and diseases. It begins with detailed discussions on the biological aspects of bile acid, with chapters examining bile acid from various perspectives, from its metabolism to its use in therapeutic agents. Subsequent chapters focus on diseases involving bile acid abnormalities, and specific applications are addressed concerning gallstones, cholestatic liver disease, NAFLD/NASH, hepatitis, pancreatitis, esophageal cancer and colon cancer. In keeping with the book’s integrated approach, the Editor has gathered a broad range of eminent scholars and practitioners to provide a comprehensive review of modern bile acid research. The book offers clinical physicians, basic researchers and postgraduate students essential insig...

Adipose Tissue Biology, Second Edition

Download Adipose Tissue Biology, Second Edition The past decade has seen an exponential increase in our knowledge and understanding of adipose tissue biology. This has coincided with the continued rise in obesity across all generations. Clearly despite substantial advances in research into adipose tissue this still has had limited impact on the on-going obesity epidemic across a majority of countries in the world. This book brings together many leading experts in the field to provide an up to date and comprehensive review of the key aspects of adipose tissue. It therefore includes chapters on evolution, development and inflammation together with a detailed review of brown and beige adipose tissue biology and their potential significance in preventing or combating obesity. These chapters are complemented by those on genetics and gender influences, together with nutrition through the life cycle. Ultimately the book provides an overview of the complexities...

Mechanics For Materials And Technologies

Download Mechanics For Materials And Technologies This book shows impressively how complex mathematical modeling of materials can be applied to technological problems. Top-class researchers present the theoretical approaches in modern mechanics and apply them to real-world problems in solid mechanics, creep, plasticity, fracture, impact, and friction. They show how they can be applied to technological challenges in various fields like aerospace technology, biological sciences and modern engineering materials.

Pediatric Orthopedics: Symptoms, Differential Diagnosis, Supplementary Assessment And Treatment

Download Pediatric Orthopedics: Symptoms, Differential Diagnosis, Supplementary Assessment And Treatment This book presents the most common site-specific pediatric orthopedic problems seen in clinical practice. Detailed discussions of disorders of the chest wall, neck, back, pelvic, upper- and lower limb, leg length discrepancy, abnormal gate, congenital deficiencies, bone and joint infections are included in this comprehensive resource.Operative treatments are discussed throughout the book with the key focus on managing the patient and the use of the conservative approach. As such, the main benefit of this book is as a diagnostic tool to assess children with orthopedic disease.​ Designed to lead the reader from the initial physical examination through to making the most likely diagnosis, there is advice on what additional studies are meaningful, when there is an indication for referral and what advice can be provided for the patient. The value of the b...

Models Of Computation

Download Models Of Computation This book presents in their basic form the most important models of computation, their basic programming paradigms, and their mathematical descriptions, both concrete and abstract. Each model is accompanied by relevant formal techniques for reasoning on it and for proving some properties. After preliminary chapters that introduce the notions of structure and meaning, semantic methods, inference rules, and logic programming, the authors arrange their chapters into parts on IMP, a simple imperative language; HOFL, a higher-order functional language; concurrent, nondeterministic and interactive models; and probabilistic/stochastic models. The authors have class-tested the book content over many years, and it will be valuable for graduate and advanced undergraduate students of theoretical computer science and distributed systems, and for researchers in this domain. Each chapter of the book concludes with a list of exercises ad...

Progress In Approximation Theory And Applicable Complex Analysis

Download Progress In Approximation Theory And Applicable Complex Analysis Current and historical research methods in approximation theory are presented in this book beginning with the 1800s and following the evolution of approximation theory via the refinement and extension of classical methods and ending with recent techniques and methodologies. Graduate students, postdocs, and researchers in mathematics, specifically those working in the theory of functions, approximation theory, geometric function theory, and optimization will find new insights as well as a guide to advanced topics. The chapters in this book are grouped into four themes; the first, polynomials (Chapters 1 –8), includes inequalities for polynomials and rational functions, orthogonal polynomials, and location of zeros. The second, inequalities and extremal problems are discussed in Chapters 9 –13. The third, approximation of functions, involves the approximants being polynomials, ratio...

Semantics And Pragmatics: Drawing A Line

Download Semantics And Pragmatics: Drawing A Line This book explores new territory at the interface between semantics and pragmatics, reassessing a number of linguistic phenomena in the light of recent advances in pragmatic theory. It presents stimulating insights by experts in linguistics and philosophy, including Kent Bach, Philippe de Brabanter, Max Kölbel and François Recanati. The authors begin by reassessing the definition of four theoretical concepts: saturation, free pragmatic enrichment, completion and expansion. They go on to confront (sub)disciplines that have addressed similar issues but that have not necessarily been in close contact, and then turn to questions related to reported speech, modality, indirect requests and prosody. Chapters investigate lexical pragmatics and (cognitive) lexical semantics and other interactions involving experimental pragmatics, construction grammar, clinical linguistics, and the distinction between mental and ...

Plato And Intellectual Development

Download Plato And Intellectual Development This book reconstructs the impact of Plato’s words for the modern reader. In the Republic, Plato presented his schematization of human intellectual development, and called for collaboration between writer and reader. The response presented in this book results in a new theoretical framework for engaging with Plato’s dialogues. Susanna Saracco analyzes the epistemic function of Plato’s written words and explores Plato’s higher order pedagogy, in which students are not mere learners and teachers are not the depositories of the truth.

Complications Of Female Incontinence And Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, Second Edition

Download Complications Of Female Incontinence And Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery, Second Edition The second edition of this text reviews the prevention, evaluation and management of complications arising from female pelvic surgery. As the field has advanced and now become its own recognized subspeciality offering Board Certification there is even more interest in this area. This edition provides more specific detail of potential complications of robotic female pelvic surgery, different categories of midurethral slings and specific transvaginal apical procedures. There are unique complications based on the specific mode of sling placement or apical repair and they are further subdivided in this text. Potential complications of both routine and specialized vaginal procedures such as transvaginal slings, cystocele and rectocele repairs, urethral diverticulectomy, and transvaginal mesh repairs are reviewed. The chapters are divided by procedure allowing the ...

Nanofluid Heat And Mass Transfer In Engineering Problems Ed. By Mohsen Sheikholeslami Kandelousi

Download Nanofluid Heat And Mass Transfer In Engineering Problems Ed. By Mohsen Sheikholeslami Kandelousi In the present book, nanofluid heat and mass transfer in engineering problems are investigated. The use of additives in the base fluid like water or ethylene glycol is one of the techniques applied to augment heat transfer. Newly, innovative nanometer-sized particles have been dispersed in the base fluid in heat transfer fluids. The fluids containing the solid nanometer-sized particle dispersion are called "nanofluids." At first, nanofluid heat and mass transfer over a stretching sheet are provided with various boundary conditions. Problems faced for simulating nanofluids are reported. Also, thermophysical properties of various nanofluids are presented. Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in the presence of magnetic field are investigated. Furthermore, applications for electrical and biomedical engineering are provided. Besides, applications ...

Dynamical Systems: Analytical And Computational Techniques Ed. By Mahmut Reyhanoglu

Download Dynamical Systems: Analytical And Computational Techniques Ed. By Mahmut Reyhanoglu This book brings together important contributions from renowned international researchers to provide an excellent survey of recent advances in dynamical systems theory and applications. There has been a considerable progress made during the recent past on mathematical techniques for studying dynamical systems that arise in science and engineering. This progress has been, to a large extent, due to our increasing ability to mathematically model physical processes and to analyze and solve them, both analytically and numerically. The first section consists of seven chapters that focus on analytical techniques, while the next section is composed of four chapters that center on computational techniques. Preface 1 On Nonoscillatory Solutions of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamical Systems 2 Oscillation Criteria for Second‐Order Neutral Damped Differential Equations with...

Human Awareness: Its Social Development

Download Human Awareness: Its Social Development Human awareness – which forms the basis of all interpersonal relationships – is perhaps the most fascinating phenomenon of biological and socio-cultural evolution. In this innovative book, originally published in 1987, the author introduces the subject of human awareness from the perspective of developmental and social psychology. Using a wide range of psychological and other sources, both classic and more recent from around the world, the book begins with a discussion of awareness as a biological and cultural-historical phenomenon. The reader is then guided through such issues as one’s awareness of others, self-awareness, interpersonal communication, and the search of human beings for recognition by others. The final chapter focuses on human awareness as a relationship between the self and society, with particular emphasis on social stability and change. Human Awareness provided the first comprehensive a...

Effects Of Herbicide-tolerant Crop Cultivation: Investigating The Durability Of A Weed Management Tool

Download Effects Of Herbicide-tolerant Crop Cultivation: Investigating The Durability Of A Weed Management Tool Overall, this work identifies key points to be taken into account when drawing up guidelines that govern the use of herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops in order to preserve the effectiveness of this innovation over time. This multidisciplinary expert report, based on an international literature review, assesses the effects of the cultivation of crops possessing HT traits. HT crops may appear to be useful complementary tools when farmers are facing certain difficult weed-management situations or in the context of a diversification of weed-control strategies. Their repeated use, however, can rapidly induce changes in the weed flora that can constitute more complex challenges in terms of weed control. Issues coming up with the development of agricultural production systems including HT crops are the objects of this expert report: what are the perceptio...

Evaluating Climate Change Action For Sustainable Development

Download Evaluating Climate Change Action For Sustainable Development This book is open access under a Creative Commons license. This authoritative book presents the ever progressing state of the art in evaluating climate change strategies and action. It builds upon a selection of relevant and practical papers and presentations given at the 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development held in Washington DC in 2014 and includes perspectives from independent evaluations of the major international organisations supporting climate action in developing countries, such as the Global Environment Facility. The first section of the book sets the stage and provides an overview of independent evaluations, carried out by multilateral development banks and development organisations. Important topics include how policies and organisations aim to achieve impact and how this is measured, whether climate change is mainstreamed into other dev...

Modern Electromagnetic Scattering Theory With Applications

Download Modern Electromagnetic Scattering Theory With Applications This self–contained book gives fundamental knowledge about scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves and fills the gap between general electromagnetic theory courses and collections of engineering formulas. The book is a tutorial for advanced students learning the mathematics and physics of electromagnetic scattering and curious to know how engineering concepts and techniques relate to the foundations of electromagnetics

Special Topics In Structural Dynamics, Volume 6: Proceedings Of The 35th Imac

Download Special Topics In Structural Dynamics, Volume 6: Proceedings Of The 35th Imac Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6: Proceedings of the 35th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2017, the sixth volume of ten from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Structural Dynamics, including papers on: Experimental Methods Analytical Methods General Dynamics & Modal Analysis General Dynamics & System Identification Damage Detection

Patents And Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective For Map History

Download Patents And Cartographic Inventions: A New Perspective For Map History This book explores the US patent system, which helped practical minded innovators establish intellectual property rights and fulfill the need for achievement that motivates inventors and scholars alike. In this sense, the patent system was a parallel literature: a vetting institution similar to the conventional academic-scientific-technical journal insofar as the patent examiner was both editor and peer reviewer, while the patent attorney was a co-author or ghost writer. In probing evolving notions of novelty, non-obviousness, and cumulative innovation, Mark Monmonier examines rural address guides, folding schemes, world map projections, diverse improvements of the terrestrial globe, mechanical route-following machines that anticipated the GPS navigator, and the early electrical you-are-here mall map, which opened the way for digital cartography and provided fodder for paten...

Fillers For Polymer Applications (polymers And Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series)

Download Fillers For Polymer Applications (polymers And Polymeric Composites: A Reference Series) This handbook provides an introduction to and reference information about the science behind the production and use of particulate fillers in polymer applications. Fillers play an important role and are used with practically all types of polymers: thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers. Readers will find an introduction to the topic of particulate fillers for polymer applications and their importance. The first chapters describe the use and characteristics of fillers in different polymer types, such as thermoplastics, thermosets and elastomers. The following chapters compile and summarize comprehensive information about different filler materials which find application nowadays, including mineral fillers (for example feldspars, wollastonites, and many more) and inorganic fillers (barium sulphate, or clays), bio-fillers, recycled and sustainable fillers, and...