
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Hidden Lamp: Stories From Twenty-Five Centuries Of Awakened Women

Download The Hidden Lamp: Stories From Twenty-Five Centuries Of Awakened Women The Hidden Lamp is a collection of one hundred koans and stories of Buddhist women from the time of the Buddha to the present day. This revolutionary book brings together many teaching stories that were hidden for centuries, unknown until this volume. These stories are extraordinary expressions of freedom and fearlessness, relevant for men and women of any time or place. In these pages we meet nuns, laywomen practicing with their families, famous teachers honored by emperors, and old women selling tea on the side of the road. Each story is accompanied by a reflection by a contemporary woman teacher–personal responses that help bring the old stories alive for readers today–and concluded by a final meditation for the reader, a question from the editors meant to spark further rumination and inquiry. These are the voices of the women ancestors of every contemporary Buddhist.

Touching A Nerve: The Self As Brain

Download Touching A Nerve: The Self As Brain At the heart of Touching a Nerve is the question of what happens when we accept that everything we feel, think and experience stems not from an immaterial soul but from electrical and chemical activity in our brains. Patricia Churchland, one of the pioneers of neurophilosophy, explains what the latest brain research into consciousness, sensory experience, memory and free will can tell us about the enduring philosophical and ethical questions about what the self is, how our personalities are created and what determines our decisions and behaviour. As Churchland reveals, once we accept that our brains determine everything about who we are and how we experience the world, neuroscience offers new, critical insights into a fascinating range of ethical and philosophical dilemmas.ights into a fascinating range of ethical and philosophical dilemmas.

Requiem For The Ego: Freud And The Origins Of Postmodernism

Download Requiem For The Ego: Freud And The Origins Of Postmodernism Requiem for the Ego recounts Freud's last great attempt to 'save' the autonomy of the ego, which drew philosophical criticism from the most prominent philosophers of the period—Adorno, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein. Despite their divergent orientations, each contested the ego's capacity to represent mental states through word and symbol to an agent surveying its own cognizance. By discarding the subject-object divide as a model of the mind, they dethroned Freud's depiction of the ego as a conceit of a misleading self-consciousness and a faulty metaphysics. Freud's inquisitors, while employing divergent arguments, found unacknowledged consensus in identifying the core philosophical challenges of defining agency and describing subjectivity. In Requiem, Tauber uniquely synthesizes these philosophical attacks against psychoanalysis and, more generally, provides a kale...

The Tapping Solution In 30 Minutes

Download The Tapping Solution In 30 Minutes The Tapping Solution …in 30 minutes is your guide to quickly understanding the wellness lessons in Nick Ortner's book, The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living. In The Tapping Solution, best-selling author Nick Ortner introduces an innovative body-mind healing therapy called "tapping." Tapping, or Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), involves using the ancient science of acupressure in combination with modern psychology as an effective means of self-help. Tapping is a simple, no-cost therapy that has been shown to assist with everything from insomnia and phobias to post-traumatic stress disorder, weight gain, and disease. The Tapping Solution guides readers through the process of tapping therapy, giving them a powerful tool for reducing stress and healing emotional and physical pain. Use this helpful guide to understand The Tapping Solution in a fraction of the time, with...

Leadership Through The Classics

Download Leadership Through The Classics The unforeseeably complex socio-economic and environmental challenges of the 21st century must be tackled by placing faith in the power of mankind to integrate established wisdom and new knowledge, and in our ability to collaborate for a sustainable future.

The Jealousy Workbook: Exercises And Insights For Managing Open Relationships

Download The Jealousy Workbook: Exercises And Insights For Managing Open Relationships A counselor and nurse specializing in polyamorous singles, couples and groupings, Kathy Labriola has spent many years helping people to understand and manage their jealousy. This book is a compendium of the techniques and exercises she has developed, as well as tips and insights from the polyamory community's top educators, therapists and authors. These accessible, simple techniques are designed to be easily implemented in the event of an intense jealousy crisis. They are even more useful if undertaken over a period of time before a jealousy crisis happens, to build a skill set that will be at hand to help managing jealousy when and if it does occur.

Hitched; The Modern Women And Arranged Marriage

Download Hitched; The Modern Women And Arranged Marriage If you’re an Indian woman and old enough to legally bear children, chances are that an overweight relative has asked you, while fondly stroking their pot belly, ‘When am I going to eat at your wedding?’ The modern Indian woman’s attitude to marriage―and especially to arranged marriage―is a confused one. As traditional matchmaking methods and internet chat rooms come together to build matrimonial websites, our parameters have changed, but the time-honoured practice of arranged marriage sticks. Hitched explores in depth the considerations matrimony should involve, and the issues that can crop up at different stages of an arranged marriage. A cross-section of women―those who married young, married late, married the first man their parents parked before them, or married out of caste in an arranged setup―open up about experiences ranging from the frightening to the hilarious and the awww-inspiring.

Awaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Path To Freeing Your Creativity And Manifesting Your Dreams

Download Awaken Your Genius: A Seven-Step Path To Freeing Your Creativity And Manifesting Your Dreams Do you have a nagging suspicion that you're not living up to your creative potential? Do you feel hindered by the deeply embedded programming of social conformity and core limiting beliefs? Most of all, are you ready to shed those shackles and unleash the raging genius deep inside? In Awaken Your Genius, author Carolyn Elliott helps you do just that with a seven-step course that shows you how to live at your fullest creative potential and make manifest your deepest desires and dreams. In Step 1, Hearing the Heart's Call, you'll learn how to determine your true passions and create a vision for yourself at your most fully realized best. Step 2, Accepting the Call, helps you turn that vision into a commitment. Step 3, Meeting the Guide, opens the door to dialoguing with your inner mentor–the subconscious part of yourself that knows what's m...

303 Kid-Approved Exercises And Active Games

Download 303 Kid-Approved Exercises And Active Games With game consoles and the Internet, children are playing as much as they always have—but now, they sit still while doing it. Kids spend as much time watching TV, using computers, and playing video games as they spend in school each week. One in every three kids in America is considered overweight or obese, and the number one concern that parents bring up to pediatricians is keeping kids fit. Half of all children are not physically active enough for the development of a healthy cardiovascular system. 303 Kid-Approved Exercises and Active Games helps 6-8 year old kids get off their chairs with fun and age-appropriate exercises. Exercise for children must be fun. These exercises have been used for personal training sessions, kids fitness classes, kids fitness camps, birthday parties and in schools; they have all been “Kid-Approved!”. Kimberley Wechsler, a specialist in Kid’s Fitness, took into account t...

Nice Is Just A Place In France: How To Win At Basically Everything

Download Nice Is Just A Place In France: How To Win At Basically Everything LOOK, MAYBE YOU'RE A NICE GIRL, but we're guessing you're more like us or you probably wouldn't have picked up this book. Not that we have a problem with girls who are nice people. But being nice is just not the way to get what you want. And this book is about getting what you want. Not in like a finding happiness, giving back to the world, being grateful for what you have sort of way. But in a ruling your world, being the most desired, powerful badass in the room way, so you can come out on top of any situation: guys, career, friends, enemies, whatever. How does a betch make that happen? Here are some highlights: • DON'T BE EASY. • DON'T BE POOR. • DON'T BE UGLY. We didn't come up with these life lessons. We're just the ones who wrote it all down. This is not self-help. Self-help is for fat people and divorcées. This is how to deal with your ...

Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises

Download Advanced Buteyko Breathing Exercises This book could be used in order to learn the Buteyko breathing method exercises even by people with poor results for the body oxygen test or the Buteyko CP test (less than 15 s). However, the best results, in cases of self-learning (or DIY methods), are achieved when the learner already has at least 25 s for the body oxygen test. This Kindle and PDF book is advanced, in comparison with other descriptions of Buteyko breathing exercises, in the following areas: The book describes relaxed breathing exercises for people with hypertension and panic attacks. These groups of learners are often unable to safely do breath holds and practice ordinary Buteyko reduced breathing exercises. Air hunger can worsen their symptoms. The book explains how to proceed from easy Buteyko breathing exercises to its more advanced types. This relates to breathing exercises with a moderate and strong degree of air hunger. Chapter 4 of...

The Yapana Way: Restorative Yoga Therapy & The Art Of Being

Download The Yapana Way: Restorative Yoga Therapy & The Art Of Being A yoga book to support everybody. Yapana, an ancient Sanskrit word meaning “The support and extension of life.” Leeann Carey’s THE YAPANA WAY presents a unique and insightful refuge from the profound imbalances of the frenzied 21st century lifestyle. Those who consider yoga simply an exercise limit the transformative powers of a complete practice. When one pauses to transcend competition with the self, and others, we embrace the true essence and wisdom of yoga – the development of presence and self-acceptance throughout all aspects of life. Yapana Restorative Yoga Therapy introduces prop-supported BEING and STILL poses that extend and deepen the nature of each experience. Strategic support and extension creates the opportunity to inquire, calm, and accept your practice in a knowledgeable and loving way. Yapana practice dispels the myth that yoga props infer weakness or a lack of sk...

The Total Suspended Bodyweight Training Workout: Trade Secrets Of A Personal Trainer

Download The Total Suspended Bodyweight Training Workout: Trade Secrets Of A Personal Trainer The ultimate 'one stop' guide to training with suspended body weight training devices. Practical and easily accessible, The Total Suspended Body Weight Training Workout is perfect for the fitness enthusiast or fitness professional who wants to lightly improve their knowledge and heavily improve the range of exercises they can use in their training. Tried and tested exercises are accompanied by clear photos and illustrations presented in a modern and logical way. The Total Suspended Body Weight Training Workout is brimming with ideas for using this bestselling piece of fitness equipment not just in the gym but at home too. Packed with clear and easy to use exercises, this how-to reference book also provides adaptations of basic and advanced exercises making it ideal for anyone who wants to get the most out of their fitness gear. - Each exercise idea is o...

The Total Kettlebell Workout: Trade Secrets Of A Personal Trainer

Download The Total Kettlebell Workout: Trade Secrets Of A Personal Trainer The ultimate 'one stop' guide to training with kettlebells. Practical and easily accessible, The Total Kettlebell Training Workout is perfect for the fitness enthusiast or fitness professional who wants to lightly improve their knowledge and heavily improve the range of exercises they can use in their training. Tried and tested exercises are accompanied by clear photos and illustrations presented in a modern and logical way. The Total Kettlebell Workout is brimming with ideas for using this piece of fitness equipment not just in the gym, but at home too. Packed with clear and easy to use exercises, this how-to reference book also provides adaptations of basic and advanced exercises making it ideal for anyone who wants to get the most out of their fitness gear. - Each exercise idea is organised by fitness level and includes follow-up and extension ideas. - Written in a jar...

Outsmarting Anger: 7 Strategies For Defusing Our Most Dangerous Emotion

Download Outsmarting Anger: 7 Strategies For Defusing Our Most Dangerous Emotion Surefire strategies for transforming anger in yourself and others In this must-have resource, Dr. Joseph Shrand offers seven innovative yet remarkably uncomplicated strategies to help turn powerful anger impulses into positive, success-oriented actions. These brain-based techniques teach you how to recognize the many forms of anger we all experience, and how to tap into your brain's very own anger absorption zone the prefrontal cortex. Dr. Shrand also explores the ways these techniques can be used to harness the anger of others. When we learn to recognize and defuse the anger response of any individual, we improve our chances for success in every aspect of life. Explains how the power of anger can be turned into much more productive behaviors Outlines 7 simple strategies for outsmarting the lizard brain and the primitive limbic system Published in partnership with Harva...

Cigarette Consumption And Health Effects

Download Cigarette Consumption And Health Effects Cigarette smoking is a well-known public health issue which has a great impact on society, medical insurance, government policy and population health in general. Although we all know that cigarette smoking will damage health and even cause cancers, for certain reasons, the habit of smoking persists in our society. Therefore, while we continue to warn people of the toxic effect of cigarette smoking on health, we need to find out how the damages occur, and how to prevent it or how to minimize the outcome. This book consists of 12 chapters that address different aspects of cigarette consumption and health effects. The content of these chapters should be valuable for policy makers, investigators, and the public by providing a source of information which they may refer to when dealing with cigarette smoking issues.

Prayers And Promises For Worried Parents: Hope For Your Prodigal. Help For You

Download Prayers And Promises For Worried Parents: Hope For Your Prodigal. Help For You HOPE FOR YOUR PRODIGAL . HELP FOR YOU Worrying about our loved ones is the worst kind of worry in the world, espe­cially when it’s our children for whom we’re concerned. From the moment they’re born, our youngsters have an unrivaled place in our hearts, and we feel an unending burden for their welfare. We do our best to provide for them and to protect them. But sometimes, like the prodigal’s father in Luke 15, all we can do is entrust them to the Lord, love them, and give them time to find their way. Nothing is more difficult. Prayers and Promises for Worried Parents offers hope for your prodigal and help for you. In more than a hundred brief readings, Robert J. Morgan offers doses of hope—encouragements from Scripture, effective prayers, true-life stories, promises from God’s Word, timely quotes, and helpful hints for coping with yourself and your child in difficult...

40 Days To Better Living Hypertension

Download 40 Days To Better Living Hypertension Millions experience high blood pressure,and 40 Days to Better Living: Hypertension provides clear, manageable steps for you to manage it, through life-changing attitudes and actions. If you're ready to really live better, select one or more elements of the 7-step Model for Healthy Living,Faith, Medical, Movement, Work, Emotional, Family and Friends, and Nutrition,and follow the 40-day plan to improve your life, just a bit, day by day. With plenty of practical advice, biblical encouragement, and stories of real people who've taken the same journey, this book,from the Church Health Center in Memphis, the largest faith-based clinic of its type in the U.S.,may be the most important book you read this year!

Playing To Win: Raising Children In A Competitive Culture

Download Playing To Win: Raising Children In A Competitive Culture Playing to Win: Raising Children in a Competitive Culture follows the path of elementary school-age children involved in competitive dance, youth travel soccer, and scholastic chess. Why do American children participate in so many adult-run activities outside of the home, especially when family time is so scarce? By analyzing the roots of these competitive afterschool activities and their contemporary effects, Playing to Win contextualizes elementary school-age children's activities, and suggests they have become proving grounds for success in the tournament of life—especially when it comes to coveted admission to elite universities, and beyond. In offering a behind-the-scenes look at how "Tiger Moms" evolve, Playing to Win introduces concepts like competitive kid capital, the carving up of honor, and pink warrior girls. Perfect for those interested in childhood and family,...

101 Secrets For Your Twenties

Download 101 Secrets For Your Twenties Every twenty-something needs a little black book of secrets. Our twenties are filled with confusion, terrible jobs, anticipation, disappointment, cubicles, break-ups, transition, quarter-life crisis, loneliness, post-college what the heck, moderate success sandwiched in-between complete failure, and we need a worn, weathered guide stashed somewhere close by to help shed some light on this defining decade. This is that book. Expanded from the blog post, "21 Secrets for Your 20s" that spread like Internet wildfire with nearly a million readers in 190 countries, 101 Secrets for Your Twenties will encourage, inspire, prompt a plethora of LOLs, and kick-start your life forward with its witty, honest, and hilarious wisdom-stuffed-pearls to help you rock life in your twenties.

Eat Q: Unlock The Weight-Loss Power Of Emotional Intelligence

Download Eat Q: Unlock The Weight-Loss Power Of Emotional Intelligence Susan Albers, Psy.D. presents a groundbreaking three-step program for conquering emotional eating—a practical, prescriptive, proactive approach using Emotional Intelligence that will help you slim down, eat healthfully and mindfully, and keep the pounds off. Introduced by the author of the bestselling The Hormone Cure, Sara Gottfried MD, Eat.Q. goes beyond traditional diet books to explore the link between emotions and eating, revealing how, when you increase your Emotional Intelligence, you naturally increase your ability to successfully manage your weight. Explaining the link between a high Eat.Q. and a good relationship with food, clinical psychologist Dr. Albers guides you through the most common emotional barriers to healthy and mindful eating, and offers 25 tools and techniques you can use to tailor the plan to your individual needs. Grounded in dozens of clinical studies that ...

Steps To Safety Culture Excellence

Download Steps To Safety Culture Excellence Provides a clear road map to instilling a culture of safety excellence in any organization Did you know that accidental injury is among the top ten leading causes of death in every age group? With this book as your guide, you'll learn how to help your organization develop, implement, and sustain Safety Culture Excellence, vital for the protection of and improvement in the quality of life for everyone who works there. STEPS to Safety Culture Excellence is based on the authors' firsthand experience working with international organizations in every major industry that have successfully developed and implemented ongoing cultures of safety excellence. Whether your organization is a small regional firm or a large multinational corporation, you'll find that the STEPS process enables you to instill Safety Culture Excellence within your organization. STEPS (Strategic Targets for Excellent Performance in Saf...

Trust Works!: Four Keys To Building Lasting Relationships

Download Trust Works!: Four Keys To Building Lasting Relationships New York Times bestselling author and leadership expert Ken Blanchard’s popular TrustWorks! training program is now available in book form! Trust Works!: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships is an insightful guide designed to help people navigate one of the most complex issues that affects all areas of our lives: trust. In Trust Works!, Ken Blanchard, Cynthia Olmstead, and Martha Lawrence demonstrate how to get along better with those around us. In today’s polarized society, building trust—and sustaining it—has never been more important or seemingly elusive. Trust Works! provides a common language and essential skills that can replace dissension with peace and cooperation and help us all work together productively and in harmony. Learn how the apply the “ABCD trust” model to address the factors that lead to discord, including low morale, miscommunication, poor response to problems...

Citing Sources: Learning To Use The Copyright Page (Information Explorer Junior) By Suzy Rabba

Download Citing Sources: Learning To Use The Copyright Page (Information Explorer Junior) By Suzy Rabba The Information Explorer Junior series provides readers with the tools they need to find, organize and share information clearly and effectively and has been designed for an earlier age range than the popular Information Explorer: Super Smart Information

Best Practices In Midwifery: Using The Evidence To Implement Change

Download Best Practices In Midwifery: Using The Evidence To Implement Change Awarded second place in the 2013 AJN Book of the Year Awards in the Maternal-Child Nursing/Childbirthing category "This book is one of those turning points that will make an enormous difference." Judith P. Rooks, CNM, MS, MPH Author of "Midwifery and Childbirth in America" "This book provides a well-rounded examination of the issues we face in using evidence to inform our everyday clinical decisions…The authors have gathered current evidence and created practice scenarios to help the reader visualize EBP in action." "In a country that has more independent midwives and group practices than hospital based midwives this type of book could possibly become the cornerstone in terms of the standards of midwifery care."–Nursing Times From the Foreword by Holly Powell Kennedy, CNM, PhD, FACNM, FAAN President, American College of Nurse Midwives Hel...

The Daniel Plan: 40 Days To A Healthier Life

Download The Daniel Plan: 40 Days To A Healthier Life Revolutionize Your Health … Once and for All During an afternoon of baptizing over 800 people, Pastor Rick Warren realized it was time for change. He told his congregation he needed to lose weight and asked if anyone wanted to join him. He thought maybe 200 people would sign up, instead he witnessed a movement unfold as 15,000 people lost over 260,000 pounds in the first year. With assistance from medical and fitness experts, Pastor Rick and thousands of people began a journey to transform their lives. Welcome to The Daniel Plan. Here s the secret sauce: The Daniel Plan is designed to be done in a supportive community relying on God's instruction for living. When it comes to getting healthy, two are always better than one. Our research has revealed that people getting healthy together lose twice as much weight as those who do it alone. God never meant for you to go through life alone and that inc...

Handy Health Guide To Bites And Stings (Handy Health Guides) By Alvin Silverstein

Download Handy Health Guide To Bites And Stings (Handy Health Guides) By Alvin Silverstein Did you know that kids usually get more bug bites than adults? It's true! Find out why people are so appealing to bugs, and how to prevent and treat bites and stings from a variety of insects and animals.

Handbook Of Family Resilience

Download Handbook Of Family Resilience Resilience is a topic that is currently receiving increased attention. In general, resilience refers to the capacity of those who, even under the most stressful circumstances, are able to cope, to rebound, and to go on and thrive. Resilient families are able to regain their balance following crises that arise as a function of either nature or nurture, and to continue to encourage and support their members as they deal with the necessary requirements for accommodation, adaptation and, ultimately, healthy survival. Handbook of Family Resilience provides a broad body of knowledge regarding the traits and patterns found to characterize resilient individuals and well-functioning families, including those with diverse structures, various ethnic backgrounds and a variety of non-traditional forms. This Handbook brings together a variety of perspectives aimed at understanding and helping to facilitate resilience in families...

Modern Manners: Tools To Take You To The Top By Dorothea Johnson

Download Modern Manners: Tools To Take You To The Top By Dorothea Johnson From the world-renowned etiquette expert and her granddaughter, Liv Tyler, an elegant guide to 21st-century manners for professionals who want to be confident and successful in the business and social arenas.

Build Your Dreams: How To Make A Living Doing What You Love

Download Build Your Dreams: How To Make A Living Doing What You Love 'The Dream Share Project', a documentary and career workshop created by Chip Hiden and Alexis Irvin, has inspired thousands of college students across the U.S. In 'Build Your Dreams', Chip and Alexis transform their program into the ultimate career guide for a generation seeking passionate work. Through essays, anecdotes, exercises, tasks, and illustrations, 'Build Your Dreams' offers a unique 5-stage framework (using the anagram DREAM) for 20-somethings to make a living doing what they love: Discovery: This stage helps the reader unearth their passions and explores eight ways to test-drive a dream. Research: Teaches how to break a big vision down into actionable and measurable mini-goals. Embark: Offers guidance on financing a dream by providing Millennial-friendly expense-slashing techniques. Adapt: Utilizing anecdotes and exercises, this stage helps the reade...

Stress Management For Dummies

Download Stress Management For Dummies Tired of letting stress have a negative impact on your life? Easy. It's impossible to get through life without encountering stress. And unfortunately, most of us learn the incorrect ways to cope with it. Thankfully, Stress Management For Dummies gives you trusted, time-tested guidance on teaching your body and mind to properly cope with stress while keeping your sanity intact. Whether it's love, work, family, or something else that has you in the red zone, this updated edition of Stress Management For Dummies will help you identify the stress triggers in your life and cut them down to size — all without losing your cool. Shows you how to use stress in a positive, motivational way instead of letting it negatively affect your life Teaches you to retrain your body and mind to react positively to stress Helps you overcome common stresses faced in modern life If you want to manage stress and get back to living a...

Family Troubles?: Exploring Changes And Challenges In The Family Lives Of Children And Young People

Download Family Troubles?: Exploring Changes And Challenges In The Family Lives Of Children And Young People As the everyday family lives of children and young people come to be increasingly defined as matters of public policy and concern, it is important to raise the question of how we can understand the contested terrain between "normal" family troubles and troubled and troubling families. In this important, timely and thought-provoking publication, a wide range of contributors explore how "troubles" feature in "normal" families, and how the "normal" features in "troubled" families. Drawing on research on a wide range of substantive topics - including infant care, sibling conflict, divorce, disability, illness, migration and asylum-seeking, substance misuse, violence, kinship care, and forced marriage - the contributors aim to promote dialogue between researchers addressing mainstream family change and...

Coming Full Circle: Spirituality And Wellness Among Native Communities In The Pacific Northwest

Download Coming Full Circle: Spirituality And Wellness Among Native Communities In The Pacific Northwest Coming Full Circle is an interdisciplinary exploration of the relationships between spirituality and health in several contemporary Coast Salish and Chinook communities in western Washington from 1805 to 2005. Suzanne Crawford O’Brien examines how these communities define what it means to be healthy, and how recent tribal community–based health programs have applied this understanding to their missions and activities. She also explores how contemporary definitions, goals, and activities relating to health and healing are informed by Coast Salish history and also by indigenous spiritual views of the body, which are based on an understanding of the relationship between self, ecology, and community. Coming Full Circle draws on a historical framework in reflecting on contemporary tribal health-care efforts and the ways in which they engage indigenous hea...

Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy

Download Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy What do you do when your girlfriend’s sixtieth birthday party is the same day as your boyfriend’s thirtieth? Is it better to die of Botox or die of loneliness because you’re so wrinkly?

Introduction To Public Health (4Th Edition)

Download Introduction To Public Health (4Th Edition) Introduction To Public Health, Fourth Edition Offers A Thorough, Accessible Overview Of The Expanding Field Of Public Health For Students New To Its Concepts And Actors. Written In Engaging, Nontechnical Language, This Best-Selling Text Explains In Clear Terms The Multi-Disciplinary Strategies And Methods Used For Measuring, Assessing, And Promoting Public Health. Packed With Illustrative Real-World Examples, This Updated Edition Provides Students With Informative Discussions Of The Current Technical Issues And Practical Obstacles Facing Public Health Practitioners And Policymakers Alike. Through Coverage Of New Approaches To Research And Data Collection, Current Best Practices In The Field, And The Social And Ethical Challenges Of Devising Public Policy, Introduction To Public Health, Fourth Edition Provides Readers With A Broad-Reaching, Practical Framework For Understanding The Multifaceted Forces ...

Naturally Triple Your Testosterone: A Guide To Hacking Your Hormones And Becoming Superhuman

Download Naturally Triple Your Testosterone: A Guide To Hacking Your Hormones And Becoming Superhuman With every passing year your testosterone levels plummet… This is not acceptable. Testosterone is what makes us men. It’s our defining hormone. High testosterone levels have you feeling superhuman. Low testosterone levels have you feeling a shell of your former self. Unfortunately, you probably have low testosterone levels right now, most men do. And it’s not surprising as to why… Without knowing it, much of what you day-to-day is actually negatively impacting your testosterone in a huge way. But the good news is, you can make some very simple but strategic changes to reverse low T levels. Low testosterone levels can be reversed 100% naturally and this is a crucial point, because low T leads to… … Fat gain, a decrease in sex drive, loss of muscle, decrease in motivation, inability to concentrate, and sadly… much, much more. If you’ve noticed any of the ...

The Psychopath Exposed: Understanding And Dealing With An Emotional Predator

Download The Psychopath Exposed: Understanding And Dealing With An Emotional Predator THE PSYCHOPATH EXPOSED: UNDERSTANDING AND DEALING WITH AN EMOTIONAL PREDATOR is not just another book about psychopaths/sociopaths… It saves you time! This is a short and time-saving book. You can read it in about 1 hour, and get all the information you need to understand and deal with a psychopath/sociopath. Yes it also teaches you how to DEAL with a psychopath/sociopath! Dealing with psychopaths will naturally cause controversy, with some claiming that it's dangerous, or impossible. I never liked the word Impossible. Make no mistake however. While I designed the methods in my book to be as safe as possible, dealing with a psychopath/sociopath is ALWAYS potentially risky, regardless of whether you do nothing – or something. BUT I don't underestimate the intelligence of YOU, the reader, so I list ALL my methods, whether some consider them "dangerous" ...

Get Off Your Ass And Run!: A Tough-Love Running Program For Losing The Excuses And The Weight

Download Get Off Your Ass And Run!: A Tough-Love Running Program For Losing The Excuses And The Weight Is there a large ass-shaped dent in your sofa? A gym membership burning a hole in your bank account? Does the sight of your wobbly thighs leave you cowering under a blanket? Straight-talking, funny, and brutally honest, Get Off Your Ass and Run! will give you―yes, you―the push you need to get out of the door, up and running, and shedding pounds in no time. Hate running? No worries. Get Off Your Ass and Run! provides all the tools you need to transform that passion into real motivation. In just six easy steps, you will: • Locate your long-lost energy and get moving • Follow a simple and completely foolproof beginner’s program • Learn to fuel your new running habit with the right foods • Take control of your life! If you want to lose weight, get fit, and embrace a completely new way of being, there’s only one thing left to do…RUN!

The Book Of Questions: Revised And Updated

Download The Book Of Questions: Revised And Updated The phenomenon returns! Originally published in 1987, The Book of Questions, a New York Times bestseller, has been completely revised and updated to incorporate the myriad cultural shifts and hot-button issues of the past twenty-five years, making it current and even more appealing. This is a book for personal growth, a tool for deepening relationships, a lively conversation starter for the family dinner table, a fun way to pass the time in the car. It poses over 300 questions that invite people to explore the most fascinating of subjects: themselves and how they really feel about the world. The revised edition includes more than 100 all-new questions that delve into such topics as the disappearing border between man and machine—How would you react if you learned that a sad and beautiful poem that touched you deeply had been written by a computer? The challenges of being a parent—Would you completely r...

Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring And Understanding Different Styles Of Yoga

Download Pick Your Yoga Practice: Exploring And Understanding Different Styles Of Yoga On the surface it may appear that yoga is yoga is yoga, but take a closer look and you’ll discover myriad different yoga systems and lineages. There are dozens of yoga styles to choose from, and while yoga is for everyone, not every style is the perfect fit for every person. But how do you choose between mysterious-sounding names such as Ashtanga, Kundalini, Bikram, and Kripalu? As Meagan McCrary discovered when she began exploring different classes, finding the right style is essential for establishing a steady yoga practice. Pick Your Yoga Practice is the first book to describe the most prominent yoga styles in depth, including teaching methodology, elements of practice, philosophical and spiritual underpinnings, class structure, physical exertion, and personal attention. Those new to yoga will discover they have options and can confidently attend a class of their c...

Her Best-Kept Secret: Why Women Drink-And How They Can Regain Control

Download Her Best-Kept Secret: Why Women Drink-And How They Can Regain Control In the first book to document that American women are drinking more often than ever, and in ever-larger quantities, journalist Gabrielle Glaser explores the reasons behind this hiding-in-plain-sight epidemic—and why the most common remedy for it, enrollment in AA, is particularly ineffective. What’s the first thing many women do when they go home? Make a dash for the white wine in the refrigerator. In Her Best-Kept Secret, journalist Gabrielle Glaser uncovers this hidden-in-plain-sight drinking epidemic—but doesn’t cause you to recoil in alarm. She is the first to document that American women are drinking more often than ever and in ever larger quantities. And she is the first to show that contrary to the impression fostered by reality shows and Gossip Girl, young women alone are not driving these statistics—their moms and grandmothers are, too. But Glaser doesn’t wag a finge...

Manifest Now: A Process For Identifying And Reversing Limiting Beliefs

Download Manifest Now: A Process For Identifying And Reversing Limiting Beliefs "You do not attract what you want. You attract what you are." -Dr. Wayne Dyer Do you know how to use your conscious mind to change your beliefs? Have you been using The Law of Attraction with no results? Do your dreams and desires seem "out of reach" for you? Are you "stuck"? This book will teach you just how practical creating your reality can be! Find out exactly how to identify the limiting beliefs you have. Discover Five Quick & Easy Methods for reversing a limiting belief that you can use pretty much anytime and anywhere. Learn an Extremely Powerful Method for literally uprooting any limiting belief! Many of these techniques have been around for centuries, and even thousands of years! Additionally, you will benefit from the author's first-hand experience with these techniques and his ability to make understanding and using them extr...

Psychic Self Defense

Download Psychic Self Defense Complete Guide to Protecting Yourself Against Psychic & Paranormal Attack (and just plain irksome people) Have you ever felt a negative energy come over you for no apparent reason when you are near someone or around certain places? Had a curse hurled at you? Been spooked by a ghost in a building? Imperiled by demonic forces? Been drained and discombobulated by an energy vampire? Or, do you encounter more mundane but still disruptive negative energies like an over demanding boss, the local bully, hurtful gossip, a physically or mentally abusive spouse, or life in a dangerous neighborhood threatened by thieves and violence? Whatever your source of negative energy, danger or threat, you'll find effective, proven, psychic and magickal countermeasures within this book. Psychic Self Defense draws upon Embrosewyn's six decades of personal experience using psychic abilities and magickal defenses to thwart, counter and s...

The Anti-Authoritarian Personality: International Series Of Monographs In Experimental Psychology

Download The Anti-Authoritarian Personality: International Series Of Monographs In Experimental Psychology The Anti-Authoritarian Personality is a seven-chapter book that first explains the anti-authoritarian personality. Subsequent chapter discusses the authoritarian model. Other chapters detail the order, power, impulse, and introspection. The authoritarian model in politics is also described.

Materia Medica: Vis Medicatrix Naturae (Accelerated Self Healing) (Volume 1)

Download Materia Medica: Vis Medicatrix Naturae (Accelerated Self Healing) (Volume 1) Materia Medica is a reference volume for natural medicine. It sets the context of healing the whole person, body, mind and spirit in the fractal holographic living universe. The companion volume, Anima Medica, meaning the soul of medicine, extends and completes this contextual overview, effectively healing the Cartesian divide for the first time. The greatest beauty of this work is not its conceptual symmetry and coherence, but its effectiveness in clinical practice. It represents the system of natural medicine that first demonstrated the ability to restore functional vision in multiple legally blind patients suffering from the leading cause of what was previously irreversible blindness. While related achievements are now being documented with stem cell injections, this continues to be the only effective natural and non-invasive method, documented by multiple Harvard t...

Demotivational Training

Download Demotivational Training Today the managers want nothing less than to make every employee a situationist, enjoining them to be spontaneous, creative, autonomous, freewheeling, unattached, and greeting the precariousness of their lives with open arms. Trying to outdo this would be absurd. On the other hand, limiting the critique to the domain of the negative, without prescribing a specific goal, is to show great optimism stemming from the hypotheses (obviously unproven) that most people have within them all the energy necessary for their autonomy without there being the need to add any.

Excluded: Making Feminist And Queer Movements More Inclusive

Download Excluded: Making Feminist And Queer Movements More Inclusive While many feminist and queer movements are designed to challenge sexism, they often simultaneously police gender and sexuality–sometimes just as fiercely as the straight, male-centric mainstream does.

Intervention: Course Corrections For The Athlete And Trainer

Download Intervention: Course Corrections For The Athlete And Trainer Acclaimed strength coach Dan John has created the perfect guide for beginners, advanced lifters, and fitness professionals interested in correcting basic body movements and improving overall mobility and lifting performance. With his signature humor and clear step-by-step instructions, Coach John walks athletes and trainers through core movements, Olympic lifts, throws, proper powerlifting technique, and much more. Regardless of your training experience or age, Coach John will help you design and implement a program to improve mobility and flexibility and to maximize your time in the gym - no matter how much time you have. Learn the five simple principles that will change the way you approach training: Strength training for lean body mass and joint mobility work trump everything else. Fundamental human movements are… fundamental. Standards and gaps must be constantly assessed. The not...

Solomon Speaks On Reconnecting Your Life

Download Solomon Speaks On Reconnecting Your Life Why are prominent doctors, quantum physicists, and researchers all over the world interested in the seemingly chance encounter that Dr. Eric Pearl had with one of his patients? What was it about that encounter that would not only radically accelerate the trajectory of his life, but ultimately affect the lives of millions . . . and will most likely profoundly affect your life as well? What is this phenomenon? In his international bestseller, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, Dr. Pearl taught readers how to access and tap into a comprehensive spectrum of energy, light, and information previously inaccessible to anyone, anywhere. In doing so, he allowed us to entirely transcend complex healing “techniques” and bring about dramatic, often instantaneous, lifelong healings and life transformations! Since then, the world has clamored for Eric’s second book. His response? When I have something else t...

Natural Wellness Strategies For The Menstrual Years

Download Natural Wellness Strategies For The Menstrual Years Menstruation, or moontime, is special for a woman and shifts in mind, body, and spiritual energy can cause both challenge and opportunity. This practical health guide reconnects women to the experience of an important stage of human development. The book examines and teaches how to work with the different menstrual energy patterns through natural self-help strategies that include nutrition and herbs, the Triple Goddess, meditations and imagery, vibrational healing using quartz crystals and flower essences, and hand reflexology. Using a down-to-earth, nature-connected approach to menstruation, women will learn to embrace this essential process of their womanhood.